On Tuesday April 27, 2010, we held our first public information meeting to let folks know what we’ve been up to since November and to have a discussion of some of the projects we’re already working on or might take on. Thank you to everyone who showed up!
We presented some basic information about cooperatives, their values and principles; and about the (not-for-profit) community service cooperative model, which is how we chose to incorporate.
Some interesting questions came up from the people who came out for the meeting, and we’ll be working on addressing some of these concerns.
Our first ever general meeting will be held at Vancouver Island University on Wednesday June 23 at 7:00 PM.
According to the laws that regulate cooperatives in BC, only those members whose applications have been accepted on or before May 24, 2010 will be permitted to vote at this general meeting. Anyone who wants to apply for membership should print out and complete our membership application form. Attach $20 in cash or cheque payable to Skookum Food Provisioners’ Cooperative (or SFPC) and mail it to the address on the form. Or you can drop it off at Kingfisher Books on Marine Ave. in Powell River. Membership in the cooperative earns you the right to vote, become a director, and participate in decision-making and in our projects (including all the food preserving and processing we hope to do this year).
Our rules permit two people to take out a joint membership. Joint members will have only one vote. Only one joint member can become a director at any one time. Joint members will be able to participate in projects of the cooperative as though they were a single member. If you have questions about this or any other aspect of the Skookum Food Provisioners’ Cooperative, please contact me or any other director.
We hope that you will consider becoming a member so that you can participate in the upcoming general meeting, and especially so that you can contribute your knowledge, skills, passion, and energy to this new cooperative.
Thank you!