Hey there members, it’s time to freshen up the Skookum cider press with some maintenance and repairs (anyone willing and able to help with this, please contact skookum@skookumfood.ca) AND we really need to set up a proper kit of materials that can accompany the cider press as it is loaned out to members, or used for public demonstrations/ pressings such as at the Fall Fair. So far, we have borrowed materials each time we need to do a group pressing, which is great. Problem is, it takes an immense amount of time and coordination to reconstruct the kit from scratch every time. So, if you have any of this equipment to donate to Skookum, then please consider it sooner rather than later. Used is fine, if functional.
Email us at skookum@skookumfood.ca to find out where and when you can drop off the materials. We will post what we have received (and what is left on the shopping list below), and send out reminders periodically.
If you cannot donate the materials or equipment, then please consider a monetary donation to the “Creating a Skookum Cider Press Kit” via PayPal, Debit or Credit card or by cheque (c/o SFPC and mail or drop off at Kingfisher Books 4486 Marine Ave. Powell River, BC V8A 2K2 CANADA). We’ll go on a shopping spree in late summer and try to complete the list.

Of course, we accept Powell River Dollars (PR$) too; just drop off your donation at Kingfisher Books. And thanks! Please remember that your membership dollars ($20 for a lifetime membership and redeemable at any time) represent individual shares in Skookum; you own the cooperative as much as any other member. The funds raised through memberships are kept for the most part in reserve, and are not used to cover expenses.
Equipment needed (prices approx.)
(Click on the big “Grow Our Co-op” button at right to make a donation toward any piece of equipment)
- 2 awnings (aka event tents or canopies or gazebos) c. $450
- 2 tarps: 1 to put underneath the cider press and 1 to cover it up overnight (as for Fall fair) c. $50
- 3 smaller tables (hand washing station; prep table; pasteurization/double boiler set up table) c. $175
- 1 large table (usually supplied by the Fall Fair) for front service counter. c. $100
- 2 water hoses (to bring the water closer to you b/c pressing requires a lot of water) c. $65
- 2 hose splitters (so you won’t be accused of hogging the communal hose and you won’t have to keep running to the tap to turn the hose on) c. $50
- 2 garbage cans per day for apple crud (or more if you’ll be doing lots of apples) ; with wheels! c. $65
- Metal Ramp (to allow the press to be rolled or pushed up into a flatbed truck or vehicle) c. $250
- Large hands-free water container with “tap” for hand washing station c. $23
- Plastic buckets for waste water (1or 2) c. $18
- Bleach, pump soap, paper towels (1 each) c. $12
- Stout spray bottle for bleach sanitizing solution c. $10
- Cloth rags $5
- 2 Large food grade, clean plastic tubs (like primary fermenters) for washing apples pre-pressing. 10 gallons ea. c. $80
- Some large buckets or Rubbermaid to hold the washed apples (4) $40
- 2 buckets to catch the cider as it flows from the press $20
- 2 large cutting boards (wood or hard plastic) $20
- Various knives including a few paring knives (minimum 4) $60
- 3 or 4 large stainless bowls to put the prepared apples into $40
- Funnel and strainer $20
Keeping cider cold:
- Ice packs (several) c.$35
- (8-12 large bags of ice– one-time purchase on days of event)
- 2 very large coolers c.$70
- Biodegradable paper cups (about 250) available from Aaron Vending: some small for “tasters” and large for selling cold cider. Napkins. c.$35
- Matches or lighter $2
- Propane gas burners (2) $150
- Hot plate $25
- Extension cords (3) $30
- Large canner for boiling water bath $35
- Large pot to fit inside canner to keep cider hot w/lid $30
- Ladles (2)
- Pot holders (6) $40
- Stem thermometer $25
- Cider spice sachets (6) $12
- Mugs for selling cups of hot cider (must be washed and reused, not possible at all locations) $20
- Some attractive one-colour tablecloths to enhance booth “eye appeal” 4X: $60
- Blackboard for noting wares and prices $30
- tracking sheet
- Tally sheets on clipboards to keep track of sales
- Pens
- Bug spray and sting relief (for bees/wasps; antihistamine) $20
- Paper bags and ties as wasp deterrents (in a bad wasp year, use lots!) $3
Optional (if for Fall Fair or other demo)
- Info sheets on upcoming or happening projects
- Waterproof Displays of whatever relevant kind to enhance booth eye appeal and advertise the coop and its mission, pens, sign up sheets for Skookum and press info.
- Compact chairs for weary workers to sit on!