We’ll let the pictures speak for themselves! Many thanks to Skookum members Lyn and Kathie for inviting us to their amazing home, and to Jacqueline for the equally stellar barbecued local fish, chicken and burgers. It was a great time and we look forward to more events such as this year-round. If you want to host a Skookum get-together, just let us know (skookum@skookumfood.ca).
Skookum Members and immediate family are invited to our winter members’ social/pot luck. Skookum director/chef Jacqueline Huddleston will provide the main course (Vegan/Gluten-free Nut Loaf and Vegetarian Creamy Leek Bread Pudding and Cranberry Chutney!), and YOU bring a dessert or salad or appetizer/side. Bring what you like, the more local the better. And if you’re rushed, just bring yourself.
The event will take place at the United Church’s Trinity Hall (Michigan at Duncan, kitty-corner to City Hall) in Powell River starting at 7:00 PM sharp.
It’s our winter social when we members get to meet and greet over great food. It is informal and it’ll be fun.