Suggest a project

Do you have an idea for a project you’d like to see us take on? Better yet, is there a project you’d like to coordinate? We want to hear from you!

Our main goal is to help our members help themselves and each other provide for their food needs, whether that means learning to produce food, preserve it, prepare it, or working together to make more food available. The board is eager to support any member who wants to work together with other members to achieve our vision of a thriving community with a strong reliable local food network. So if you’ve got an idea, please get in touch.

We now have a handy form for suggesting a project. It’s available in three formats:

  1. a PDF form that you can print out and then print or write into;
  2. a Microsoft Word form that you can type into; or
  3. an online form to type directly into (see below.)

The PDF Word versions have instructions, so download the one you want, fill it out, and return it to us. Or type right into this form:

    Your full name (required):

    Your phone number(s):

    Your email address (required):

    Name or short description of proposed project (25 words or less) (required):

    Description of proposed project (one paragraph) (required):

    Proposed timeline or date of project (does it happen on one day? over a few months? etc.):

    Location(s) of project:

    What is your role in this project (required)?

    What labour/volunteers does this project need?

    What materials/tools/cash or other resources does this project need?

    How will this project help us achieve our stated purposes (required)?

    How does this project benefit our members (required)?

    How does this project benefit the broader community (required)?

    What are your thoughts about how payment or remuneration will work in this project? How does the coordinator get paid? Is there a markup involved? Etc. (required)

    Please put any additional comments here:

    Please type these characters: captcha into this box: to defeat spammers. Thanks!